Managed Print for Schools Today and Tomorrow

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 08/18/2021 - 10:06
Hand holding puzzle piece that says today uncovering the word tomorrow

Educational institutions have unique needs, especially when it comes to budgeting. The unfortunate truth is that, without proper management, print and copy costs can wreak havoc on those delicate budgets. Luckily, there is one solution that can protect school budgets (and a whole lot more) both today and tomorrow: managed print services.

A Permanent Print Solution

In the education system, nothing really feels permanent. Things are constantly changing. Success is always being redefined, and--as the COVID-19 pandemic proves--the unexpected can happen at any time. That's why schools can benefit from solutions--especially print solutions--that have "staying power."

That's where managed services come in.

Although managed print keeps up with changes in a school's budget, needs, student body, and more, it remains consistent in a few key areas--like security, efficiency, and reliability. It is a permanent print solution because it's always right where you need it--wherever that may be.

Here are a few ways managed print can help schools, both today and tomorrow:


  • Budgets: With managed print services, schools can better understand their print budgets--and how to make the most of every dollar. For example, a managed print provider helps you track your supply usage, so you know exactly how much ink, toner, and paper you need, rather than ordering blindly.
  • Efficiency: Teachers and other school staff have a lot to worry about--but printing should never be one of them. Managed print helps streamline print workflows, cut out unnecessary steps, make better use of printers and other office tools, and give teachers more time to spend with students.


  • Security: Student and staff privacy can be difficult to manage with the sheer amount of information that schools are responsible for. Although managed print helps improve security today, it can make even bigger improvements tomorrow. As security needs change, information becomes increasingly digitized, and more and more students enter the school system.
  • Flexibility: Schools have to be ready for the unexpected. Managed print provides solutions that keep up with the rapidly changing educational environment, from new technology to unexpected pandemics--and it can do all of this while still letting schools decide what's best for their unique needs.


Few things in the educational environment are permanent, but managed print services has the staying power necessary to keep schools secure, efficient, and flexible--both today and tomorrow. From stronger budgets to streamlined workflows, managed print can do a little bit of everything for schools.

Interested in managed print services? Looking for more solutions for schools? Contact us today!

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